Saturday, December 27, 2014

Classroom...Part II

Okay, I promise I won't be bugging you again about these shapes but I just HAD to share these with you too.

I've finished the filler's portion of the Feathers Handbook and wanted to show a few more designs that were created with the Ultimate Stencil.

Creating a perfect diamond in any size is very easy with the square Ultimate Stencil.  I've shown three different ways to fill this shape with feathers.

And here's melon shapes created using the circle Ultimate Stencil...

Remember I'm adding designs to my Pinterest page if you need a quick inspirational fix. 

Hugs, Cindy :)


  1. I already received the stencils in the mail, and they are both going to be an invaluable addition to my quilting tools. Thank you Cindy.

  2. Thank you for sharing! It is inspirational to see how many ways you can approach filling a shape with feathers. My mind is spinning with design ideas.
