Friday, November 29, 2013

"Bloom"...Featuring Deb Crine!

I recently featured work by Arleigh Neunzert who was in my Linen Wholecloth Workshop.  Deb was also a student in this workshop and sent me a show and tell of a recently finished project.  All I can say is WOW!  Thank you for sharing with all of us Deb...beautiful work!!!  If you want to see more of Deb's work, visit her website by clicking

Hugs, Cindy :)


I just finished a large piece that I purchased on Etsy while I was at your workshop.  It was in beautiful shape and I couldn't wait to get started.  It was a lot of work and sometimes challenging to figure what to quilt inside some of these shapes, but I enjoyed every moment of it and it did wonders for my machine quilting skills.  The underlayment is a lavender Dupioni silk.  It was quilted entirely with YLI silk thread.  And yes, I stitched around every stinkin element!  Once it was done I knew it needed a bit of sparkle, and still not enjoying handwork, I decided to add tanzanite crystals.  There's roughly six hundred of them (OCD).  A girl has to have some bling, right???

A lot of people have seen the smaller piece I finished in your class and just love it.  I'm going to donate it to our guild's annual auction which donates the proceeds to breast cancer.  I'm hopin it brings in some good money.    Deb.


  1. beautiful work Deb.. and thanks for showing us Cindy...

  2. Wow!!! Cool!!!
    I am your large admirer.

  3. This is beautiful Deb! I know how much work is involved in this - the dedication. And I also know that you are probably hooked for a lifetime! One more person to bid against on eBay. :)
