Tuesday, December 9, 2014

The Ultimate Stencil!

I've been home for a little over two weeks now and every second, minute and hour have been devoted to launching my new baby...The Ultimate Stencil.

I have been designing quilting stencils for Quilting Creations for many years now and use  basic grid systems on my drafting table to create most of my designs.  They are a circle and a square with lines 1/2" apart and angled registration lines going thru them.  I had an "ah-ha" moment one day when I figured out it would be a grand idea to make this same system available to YOU in stencil form...this would allow you to create hundreds of designs, in any size you wish, simply by using the registration lines as your guide. 

These stencils are not only great for quilting designs but are perfect for paper piecing designs, stained glass designs or can be used by any hobbyist.

I have a free 20 page handbook that you can download off of my website that will give you good basic instruction on how to use these.  I also have three YouTube videos posted demonstrating techniques. 

It's hard for most of us to come up with designs and ideas out of our heads so I have taken my new 2-book set of designs, Oldies but Goodies/New and Improved, and dedicated them to Ultimate Stencil designs.  I redrafted many of the designs in the Oldies but Goodies book using the grids.  New and Improved is completely dedicated to these stencils...every single design is drafted on the master grids so the homework has already been done for you.  These updated books will be completed by December 15th...I still have a lot of drawings that need to be scanned and included in the book.

If you have previously purchased the Complete Collection of Handbooks OR just this set of designs books, I will make sure you get these updated handbooks next week.  Just be patient with me...there's a lot going on here! 

As always I LOVE input from all of you and would appreciate both positive/negative input.  This is how I continue to grow and make things better.

Hugs, Cindy :)


  1. Cindy ~ This looks GREAT! Watched your videos ~ you are so clever! Will show my husband tonight... I think Santa should leave this set under my Christmas Tree :)
    Merry Christmas to you and your family Cindy!

  2. I agree with Can't Stop Stitching, this Ultimate Stencil needs to be under my tree too. Now I just have to get Santa to define "good".
