Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Featuring Wendy Garrison!

I recently taught an extended workshop for Quilting in the Desert in Gilbert, AZ and had the pleasure of having Wendy Garrison in my class.   She brought some small linens to create a wholecloth quilt from and it turned out stunning.  She sent me photos and I wanted to share with all of you.   By the way, the odd looking linen in the middle is actually a bun warmer...these were placed in baskets, rolls were put on top, and then the corners were folded over the top of the rolls.   I've had many students have these in class and they never quite knew what to do with they do!

I began practicing free motion quilting skills about five years ago and encountered Cindy's linen quilting work in 2012 when she was a guest expert on SewCalGal's Free Motion Quilting Challenge.  I loved the linen wholecloth work Cindy posted on her web site and when she started offering on-line classes through Craftsy  I took advantage of the opportunity to learn more about her techniques.

I saw that Cindy was going to be in Phoenix which is very close to where I live so I signed up right away!  I heeded her advice  and started with some pieces that didn't hold a lot of sentimental value and chose four matching embroidered doilies and a bread basket liner.  I arranged them on a solid background fabric that would give me a lot of open space to play.

During the two day workshop I planned and marked the wholecloth top, learned how to attach the doilies and learned lots of new quilting techniques including scribbling.

Two weeks later my "Vintage Doilies" piece is almost complete.  It is quilted, blocked, the binding is attached, and I am in the process of finding just the right beads to enhance the crosshatching and the lace around the doilies.

This quilt makes me smile!


1 comment:

  1. A beautiful finish!!!! Congratulations!!!! To the two of you.....a talented and gifted student AND teacher!!!!!
