Monday, June 1, 2015

Multiple Features!!!

After posting my last feature of  Marilyn Hawkins, I received a few more emails from quilters with their own beautiful projects and I just KNEW you'd be itching to see more! Thank you to ALL  for your beautiful work and thank you for letting me share you with the world.
Hugs, Cindy :)

I heard from Kelly Cline in Lawrence, KS with these BEAUTIFUL pieces.  Her story:

I am a linen lover by way of the long arm.  I am really drawn to the society silk pieces and love the ones with words.  I sent you one I started with...Kansas, and since then am just obsessed with these pieces.  Here are a couple of recently finished pieces.


The rose piece is a silk round about 17" in diameter. 
Love your work and I am a regular follower. Thanks for the inspiration!

Kelly Cline


Geri Richardson is a fabulous linen lady who I had the pleasure of meeting at a past Linen Workshop in Rancho Cordova.  I received this email from her about a much deserved award on her beautiful piece.  This is a portion of her story~

The name of this is "Something Old is New Again".  The center doily is an old piece I picked out of Cindy's stash basket in class.  Background fabric is a pale blue Fossil Fern.  Threads are YLI silk, Superior silk and Isacord poly.  I got really lucky and found the lace edging at Beverly's then spent three days beading.  The lace edge is beaded on, the diamonds have beads in the center of the cathedral windows and the inside oval is beaded twice.

Oh yes, MAJOR blunder not once but TWICE.  I ran off the vinyl overlay I was working on to figure out my feather spine and got dry erase marker on the fabric.  First time just a little, second time BIG TIME.  Murphy's Oil Soap!!!  It works!!! 

I entered this in two shows.  The first in Tennessee at the Smoky Mountain Quilters  where it won two ribbons...third place in the art quilt category and a special award for surface embellishment.   Next it goes to a show in Indiana at the end of June.

Geri Richardson


Quiltshopgal hosts a monthly FMQ challenge where readers are encouraged to learn new techniques from various instructors and make beautiful pillows in the process.  During my feature, students were encouraged to use The Ultimate Stencil for their designs.

I heard from Grit Kovacs  in Germany with her gorgeous piece!!!

Anna Surke from Hungary is one of my very talented Craftsy students.  She is always posting gorgeous pieces.  This is her pillow project also using The Ultimate Stencil!


Robin Gausebeck from Paducah, Kentucky sent me a photo of her project way back in March...I put it in my "follow up emails" folder and guess who forgot to follow up and post it!

Here is her story:

This is a picture of the quilt made from my grandmother's old linen table runner which I finally finished in time for my guild's upcoming quilt show.  The original linen was brown with age and now it is back to being linen colored thanks to the RetroClean soap.  I enrolled in Sue Nickel's feather workshop at the quilt museum this past summer specifically to learn techniques for quilting this piece.  Using her strategy of designing feather motifs based on the letters of the alphabet, I was able to incorporate my grandmother's initials (BK) as the main quilting focal point.  The table runner itself was stitched to Dupioni silk.  I am pleased with how it turned out and I owe you a lot for the advice you provided.

Robin Gausebeck


  1. What a beautiful sight to start my day with. Breathtaking work on all of these pieces. Just one tip, I put some of that wildly colored duct tape around my overlay so I will be sure to stop before drawing on my quilts. It's unbelievably easy to do!

  2. These projects are all stunning - thank you for sharing. It must be most rewarding to see students progress and create incredible pieces :)
