Wednesday, April 20, 2016

"Sweet Dreams" Pillowcase Update

I've been putting in some long hours on quilting the pillowcase quilt trying to get it to the hand-work stage before leaving for Carson City, Nevada on Friday.  Thought you'd like to see the progress since the last post!

I'm very pleased with how this is turning out.  It's nothing really fancy but often times "simply said is better said". 

The areas between the feathers was pretty poofy so I decided to use my "Baby Clams" background stencil.  This was a perfect choice as the clams helped to eat up the poof and the clam design beautifully filled in the awkward spaces. 

The poofy parts in the middle of the feathers will be filled with my "Baby Triple Lines" background stencil.  These will be marked tonight and quilted in the morning.  The geometric lines will add a nice balance to all the soft stuff going on.

I'm going to fill in the poofy parts around the embroidery with little bitty pebbles and then bring the triple lines about an inch-ish past the end of the pillowcase into the silk and then bind.

The back of this quilt is a beautiful dusty blue linen yardage and the thread appears pink here but it's actually white Magnifico and Kimono silk.

Nothing will go to waste on the pillowcase.  When I disassembled it, I obviously used the front part for the quilt top.  I still had the back of the pillowcase left.   I'm going to cut off the bottom hand-stitched edge and make the hanging sleeve with it and use the remainder of the pillowcase for the binding.  I will post a picture of the finished piece hopefully in the next week or so.

Hugs, Cindy :)


  1. Stunning. And I absolutely love the baby clams with your gorgeous feathers. Have fun in Carson City.


  2. Congratulations on your Machine Quilting 'shout out' !!! You deserve it Cindy, ole' favorite teacher of mine!
    Elizabeth Witchel.

  3. Gorgeous!!! Love the feathers against the clams!

  4. Wow, this pillowcase is absolutely stunning...what a work...!
