It was the second full day at PIQF and the mighty team of three at Superior Threads didn't think it was possible to get any busier than day one...and it did. The good thing is that our booth is a very fun place to be and the time just flies. By about 4 o'clock though I was ready for some quiet time and snuck away for a deep breath in the quilt display. I remembered my camera and grabbed some quick shots of some of the beautiful wholecloth quilts here. Photos such as these are added to my permanent slide show on my computer for constant inspiration.
Going to a quilt show of this caliber is a double-edged sword. I go for the inspiraton and often leave feeling quite inadequate and humbled by the amazing talent from all over the world. There was this amazing green iridescent Dupioni silk wholecloth quilt from Ireland quilted in gold thread that made me weak in the knees...I immediately went to this special silk booth and bought silk yardage for my own some day. There were wholecloth pieces on plain muslin that gave me bumps...but there was this one amazing quilt that took everyone's breath away...Japanese quilters have this amazing incomprehensible patience for the smallest details in their quilts. The first quilt pictured features a cherry tree in full bloom...each of the blossoms was hand pieced and each petal was less than 1/4" and then it was stitched and embroidered. The background hills and sky were also meticulously pieced. This was the biggest mouthful of Humble Pie.
I was thrilled to have had two of my quilts juried into this show. I know my pieces will never win ribbons as I am not a competitive quilter. I quilt for the pure joy of doing it and having my quilts even accepted to be included in a show of this caliber is quite an honor. I feel it gives me another way to share my art with other quilters and hopefully inspire them too.
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