
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Day Two...

Anyone who knows me understands you don't call after 8 pm at night as I'm probably asleep by then...I get up about 4 am to start my quilting for the day so it's a good excuse to fall asleep early! It's almost 10 pm so I'm almost turning into a pumpkin...but when you've been teaching all day it's sometimes hard to turn your head off. Teachers understand this!

I taught my design class today which is always a favorite. I usually have the best seat in the house as I get to see all the little lightbulbs going off in my students' heads during the lecture and today was no exception. I absolutely LOVED the class as my mighty group of six were so excited and so involved in the design process I ended up having the best seat in the class watching them take over.

I added a new part to the week-long retreat by having two "featured quilters" each day. One student was featured first thing in the morning and one mid-afternoon...this gave us all a chance to get to know her better, admire and touch her quilts and hear her stories. This is something I will definitely continue!

We were not blessed with sunshine today but rather pouring down rain all day. Only quilters will appreciate the fact that rainy, dreary weather is the PERFECT setting for quilting...we also appreciated the fact that breakfast, lunch and dinner were being prepared for us...the husbands were taking care of themselves at home...the dogs didn't need to be let in OR out...and we could crank up the music and sew and design and enjoy each other!

Oh..I had to add a couple more picures of the beach when it wasn't raining!

off to bed, Cindy

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