Now that The Nuns Quilt is down to the last 10 beads it dawned on me I have NO handwork to do while on the plane and in my hotel rooms. aaaaaahhhh! I'll go nuts if I don't have something to keep my hands busy.
I bought this gorgeous linen while "junkin" with my daughter Emily last year and I think I paid about $50 for it. It's been bugging me ever since I acquired it and this is the perfect time to get another long detailed project going. I have some significant air travel coming up next year so I would have one project that would keep me busy all year long.
I have always wanted to do a wholecloth Baltimore Album quilt and this one is perfect for that. I could only photo a third of the actually has nine 12" blocks. Each block is held together and bordered with the MOST exquisite lace. You really have to see it and touch it to believe it. There are also these beautiful fingers of lace that jut out at each intersection around the border that are small baskets with a flower coming out of the top. Oh my....sigh.
I happened to have on hand some beautiful linen yardage for both the underlayment and the back. The light silk/hemp piece will be directly under the linen and the gray heavy piece will go on the back. The back is perfect for this BUT ended up being about 4" short. So I am going to patch a strip on the back to make it the length I need and use that for the rod pocket end...nobody will ever know. It was so perfect I had to make it work.
The Baltimore Album designs were copied from Elly Sienkiewicz's books on Baltimore Album quilts. I acquired four of these books a lifetime ago and they are one of the best used resources in my little library. I go to them constantly for inspiration. I will also be adding a beautiful small rope cable to help frame in each design. Each of the designs will be quilted with Superior Threads' Kimono Silk in a variety of neutrals...hand embroidered details will be added and of course jillions of beads added in the lace.
I am off to the Abbey today to meet with Father Paul Mark in hopes he can help me with the history of The Nuns Quilt. I am hopeful there will be a blog post coming up soon with some good news on that!
Hugs, Cindy
Wow! That looks like some gorgeous fabric for a Baltimore Album quilt. Can't wait to see what you do.
Wow - a Baltimore Album wholecloth - what will you think of next? I'm keeping all 10 of my fingers and toes crossed for info from the church or in any direction they can send you. There just has to be someone who can give you some information!
So Beautiful!
So Beautiful!
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