I am SO excited to finally be able to announce that I get to use my passport for the first time ever...and I'm going to Australia! wooo hoooo! Several months ago I received an invitation to teach at the Australian Machine Quilting Festival this coming September. I could hardly believe it. The hardest part was keeping quiet about it until they made their official announcement. I have a number of blog readers/friends in Australia so I'm hoping I finally get to meet you in person.
I have been completely buried getting things done here at home and prepping for the upcoming Road to California show in Ontario, CA. I think this is my favorite show of all...there are a lot of good memories here. Not only is it one of the top-notch, high end shows but it is very well run and has GREAT quilts and vendors. I will be teaching with Superior Threads on Monday/Tuesday doing their Superior School of Threadology for two days and then teaching a Beginning Machine Quilting class on Friday. I'll be working the Superior Threads booth the rest of the time which is always loads of fun.
Part of the reason I've been so buried is I prep for the entire year during December and I took on a very generous serving of things to get done. The biggest project of all was updating all of my handbooks which I do on a yearly basis. I didn't only "update" them...I completely REWROTE them. Gads. Hours...and hours...and hours...on the computer. I finally finished up yesterday morning. whew. For those of you who paid your $10 updates on your purchased handbooks...you're in for a real treat. I will be sending those hopefully today/tomorrow depending on how things go here. Be sure to watch for them. For those of you wishing to purchase the new handbooks I am going to wait until I get back from Road to California before posting on my website...I don't want to be away from home and my computer if there are glitches.
The other cool thing is I'm always trying to think of a good way to display class samples. I have made a bucket-load of them this past month for my upcoming 5-day workshops and for my "regular" classes. I came up with a portable design wall that is made out of C-clamps, PVC pipe, yard stakes and a lot of black felt. I can fold it all up and throw it in my suitcase and set it up in minutes either in a classroom or for a guild program. I'm VERY jazzed about it and can't wait to try it out for real at the Road show.
I am hoping to post some great blogs while I'm at the show...off and running...have LOTS to do! Hugs, Cindy
Well I kept checking your blog and saw no updates - I thought what a slacker :).....guess not! Whew, lady you make my head spin with all the work you do. If I could have half your energy there would be no end to what I could accomplish.
Congrats on the trip downunder. Where will you be? It's so cool there - been there once and would love to go back. Hope you get to site see while there. Better take your bikini - it's summer there now! Have fun.
Congrats Cindy! How cool and how fun. You are blazing a trail in the quilting world. I consider myself fortunate to have had you as my teacher and friend.
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