This will be the last post for awhile. I'm on the road again starting tomorrow so my quality time at the machine will have to be put on hold.
Often times I will work on my quilts in quarter sections doing one-fourth of them at a time. It is easier on me mentally giving me a variety of things I can work on, i.e., feathers, gridding, scribbling, etc. It is easier to finish a quarter of a technique than a whole quilt's worth. This morning I did the outside edge scribbling and wanted to share with you how awesome this looks on an edge.
In the first post I talked about the "underlayment". This is a larger piece of fabric that I placed on top of the batting and under the linen. This not only prevents the batting from coming up through the cutwork areas but also provides a very pretty way to edge the quilt. Sure beats trying to finish this very tight scalloped edge! I scribbled along the scalloped edges of the linen first and then worked my needle out about 2" and filled in. Loose scribbling first to tack everything down and then go back in and fill it in tighter. By doing it this way you tack the fabric down so it won't move while you are doing the tighter quilting. When the quilt is completely done I will go in and square it up, trim and bind.
I have forgotten to mention the threads/batting I am using. I chose Quilters Dream cotton batting, old pillowcase fabric for the underlayment (I loved the beige-ish patina it had against the white linen) and Superior Threads' Bottom Line for the ditching, gridwork and scribbling and Superior Threads' neutral Highlights for the feathers in the hearts and border.
Cindy - It's going to be just beautiful. I can't wait to see it finished.
Hi Cindy- Ricci's quilt is AMAZING! In fact, all your work is amazing. I loved meeting you at the School of Threadology. Have fun with all your travels and I'll be following your progress.
Ricci just emailed me and said to check out your blog and "her" quilt. WOW! What a wonderful idea to post pics and comments about the project. It's a great way to see the step-by-step. I learned something new, too! I didn't know that you wait to mark the grid until you have some of the bones quilted. Makes perfect sense and I will remember that next time I get a chance to "play."
I'm in Seattle at my kids' house for a week. In between doing their taxes and some spring cleaning, I hope to get to quilt the little wall hanging that I made at Asilomar in Carol Taylor's class. I'm going to use Superior Threads' Brytes thread and do big concentric circles over the top -- plus maybe some other fun things. I'd never used that thread before and quite enjoyed the look that the heavy 30-weight thread gives.
Maybe I'll post some pics on my blog!
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