
Monday, January 25, 2010

Progress on Projects...

Sometimes it takes a special upcoming teaching engagement to make me push to get some things done. I will be teaching at Asilomar again this year (a little over 3 weeks away) and would like to have some "new" projects completed to bring with me and one of those is Caryl's linen quilt. I had to share just how far I've gotten on it in the past couple weeks. The more I do on this the better I like it. It may not be finished by Asilomar but at least it will be done enuf to be able to share with everyone.

When I was at Road to California last week I paid a visit to a favorite vendor. BJ's Designs always has the most amazing stash of linens...very good quality and fair prices. She also has breath-taking blouses/jackets created from vintage linens. I had no business buying anything but her booth display included a beautiful long blouse/jacket that took my breath away and I had to have it. I need a nice jacket for my Linen Ladies workshops and this would be perfect for Asilomar too. I couldn't just wear it the way it was, could I? Nope. I had to go buy some amazing buttons to go on it...then had to add some white Highlights threads in all the flowers, feathers behind the flowers and beads of course! I am thrilled with how the embellishing is adding a touch of Cindy to an already beautiful garment.

If anyone is even considering attending Asilomar, this year would be the perfect year to do so. Due to the economy the sign ups have been light. This is in favor of the students as I have the privilege of having a small intimate group of students to myself for five days. I have all kinds of special things planned and am looking forward to being able to spend a lot of one-on-one time with each student!

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