Most Featured Artists display amazing quilts at the shows. When I read that this year's artist was displaying fabric sculptures I was a little disappointed...I'm not much into "modern art" as I'm such a traditional quilter.
When Annie and I visited Susan Else' booth we were both completely blown away as were the multitudes of other quilters who were gathered there.
Susan uses collaged and quilted fabrics to create unusual fabric sculptures...they are breathtaking. She even had a working ferris wheel with different people in each seat...a rowboat with family members being rowed about...and even a loving pair of skeletons...
I'll let the skeletons speak for themselves! If you EVER get the chance to see one of her exhibits don't miss it!
Cindy :)
I thought Susan's exhibit was very interesting too. I loved the color, detail, depth and whimsical perspective.
Of course, I also enjoyed seeing your quilts on display too!
I wanted to take a ride on the ferris wheel, and even live in her little land!
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