It's been a very hectic and crazy March...basketball fans know it as "March Madness"...it's exactly how I felt about last month! It was all good, just crazy busy.
I am leaving to teach for Empty Spools Seminars at Asilomar tomorrow and will be there all week long. Out of all the amazing places I've taught, this is my favorite. Even though I'm teaching I still feel like I'm on my own personal retreat with a classroom of good friends that I've invited along. I'm looking forward to spending quality time with everyone and we have a nice big classroom too so there will be great space to spread out and work.
Since I started teaching my five-day Designs Workshops in Rancho Cordova I've been creating all new class samples. I desperately wanted to have this new one done in time for Asilomar and I finished it by the skin of my teeth this morning. I wanted to share with all of you.
I have a few more blogs coming up with some new information but they will have to wait until I get home from Asilomar...in the meantime I will try and grab a few spare moments during this coming week to share my students with you.
Hugs, Cindy :)
Have a great trip.
I hope one day I can meet you, in the meantime, I'll watch your blog and try to read your notebooks. I'm looking forward for your challenge in SewGalCal later this year.
The quilting looks so wonderful I purchased a couple of old small tops yesterday... and have been reading you 'books ' that I have. I have been looking how to do the edges... I wish I could get to South Australia in Septenber, but sadly dont think I will be able toI so love what you do on the old linen pieces.
Очень красиво
As usual your quilting leaves me speechless. I would love to know what fabric and thread you used. Enjoy the seminar.
Wow, your quilting is beautiful and so tiny!!! Have a great retreat.
Un quilt espectacular ¿Qué tela utiliza? ¿Algún tipo de estabilizador parala tela? He llegado aquí a través de SewCalGal y estoy ansiosa por terminar de estudiar su tutorial, planificar y hacer la práctica de este mes. Seguro que saldrá alguna cosa buena. Gracias y felicidades por el estupendo tutorial.
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